ADHD Testing and Evaluations
Frequently Asked Questions
Every initial evaluation includes screening for ADHD. However, if this is your primary reason for scheduling an initial evaluation, please let Dr. Salako know ahead of time as a thorough ADHD evaluation and assessment requires some extra planning on our end.
Dr. Salako will send you a self-assessment that must be completed BEFORE your appointment.
During your appointment, Dr. Salako will conduct a 90 minute initial evaluation that includes all the components of a general initial evaluation, screening for other psychiatric disorders, as well as questions specific to evaluating for ADHD. Dr. Salako may also obtain collateral information from family members and/or your therapist (with your consent of course!).
At the end of the evaluation, Dr. Salako will go over her findings, summarize the assessment, and create a collaborative, individualized plan with you regarding treatment.
Sometimes, Dr. Salako may need additional testing to provide more information about ways in which ADHD affects you and help determine the presence and effects of co-occurring conditions. In these cases, Dr. Salako will refer you for additional neuro-psychological testing.
But this isn’t good-bye! Dr. Salako will continue to treat you and help you manage your symptoms during this process.
A neuropsychological evaluation is an assessment of how your brain functions. It involves an interview and the administration of self-assessments, tests, games, quizzes, and/or puzzles.
Neuropsychological tests are standardized which means they are administered in the same manner to all patients and scored in a similar manner. The neuropsychologist looks at all of the data from the evaluation to determine strengths and weaknesses. Testing looks at a number of areas including mood state, perception, memory, language, executive functioning, motivation, and personality.
If you’ve already been diagnosed with ADHD, please bring records of your diagnosis and previous treatment. This can be notes, testing/evaluation records, or even a signed letter from your last provider or doctor (ie - psychiatrist, therapist, psychologist, pediatrician, etc).
If you cannot provide this information, then Dr. Salako will conduct a thorough ADHD evaluation at your first appointment.
If you were diagnosed with ADHD by an online mental health company (like Cerebral, Done, or Circle Medical), Dr. Salako will still conduct a thorough ADHD evaluation at the time of your first appointment to confirm diagnosis.
Online mental health companies have been under investigation by the DEA over its prescribing practices. As of October 2023, CVS does not fill controlled substance prescriptions from Circle Medical and Walmart does not fill prescriptions for controlled substances from Cerebral or Done.